
Basic Usage

To use the dashcam CLI, call dashcam in your terminal!


This will prompt Dashcam to create a clip and show the trimming window.

The Replayable CLI will hang until a clip is published. Once you publish the clip, the resulting URL will be output to your CLI:

You must publish a replay within 30 seconds or the CLI will exit with a failure.


You can supply some advanced options to configure the title, description, and format of your future replay.

The command below will return a markdown link for the published replay.

dashcam --md

[![Dashcam - New Replay](](

Watch [Dashcam - New Replay]( on Dashcam

See below for a full list of options.

Usage: dashcam [options]

Create a replay and output the resulting url or markdown. Will launch desktop app for local editing before publishing.

  -t, --title <string>      Title of the replay. Automatically generated if not supplied.
  -d, --description [text]  Replay markdown body. This may also be piped in: `cat | dashcam create`
  --md                      Returns code for a rich markdown image link.
  -h, --help                display help for command

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