Uploading a Dash

Share your Dash clips seamlessly with everyone who is part of your workspace.

To upload a Dash, tap the Upload button, denoted by a green arrow in the screenshot below.

It will upload the clip to your workspace, and by default, you will upload to your default workspace, called Demo Project.

If you have multiple Projects, it is possible to select a different one by clicking the button with the caret character (pointing up arrow) next to the name of the currently selected destination Project

While the video uploads, a progress bar is displayed in the Dashcam app as an overlay called "Uploads."

After your clip has finished uploading

As you click Upload a new indicator will be shown on the main window of the app. Then your default browser will open a tab on the Dashcam website.

A placeholder graphic will be shown while the video upload is still in progress.

Renaming a Clip

When the Clip has finished uploading, you may rename it. This helps you understand what the Clip is about

Moving a Clip

You also have the option to move your Clip to another Project by clicking on the button with the three vertical dots.

Last updated